Art Direction
An empathetic journey of iterative design.
Art Direction [AD] at MTD is all about combining empathy for artistic process with vision, continuity, production, team management, and focus for high quality visualization. At MTD we do this by making Art Direction a fun engaging game of round development, milestone execution, compassionate pacing, iterative design & conversational execution.
A look in our AD process, as follows -
Task: Cinematic Scene Creation
Create a 2.5 action scene that establishes a new alien world while a foreign spaceship is coming in landing hard.
Project EXDX
Task: Pre-Production Concept Design & World Building
Create a fantastical world, grounded in reality, with a distant Sci-Fi lean, where all has returned to nature in a magical way.
Project ALTH
Task: Animated Scene Creation
Take us to the future. The goal was to reveal a expanded vision of all that could be, in a common place like a terminal where humans of the assortment are at every moment. We thought Grand Central Station (GCS) 50+ years from now, but its not GCS, no, this would be a new place, one we have never been before, but should feel familiar. Lets see what we came up with, Art Direction process as follows -
Art Direction is one of the many passions that we have developed over the past 20+ years. Pre-Production is a crucial Art Direction process that too many projects attempt to skip. As a result their products look just like everyone else’s. We have genuine passion to create unique experiences, so with us you will access high level creativity, iterative design, and final executions that leave lasting impressions on the developers and the end users.